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Τι έχει γράψει η συγγραφέας Marion L Adams;

Marian L. Adams έχει γράψει εκτενώς για την κοινωνιολογία της θρησκείας, εστιάζοντας ιδιαίτερα στο κίνημα των Αγίων των Τελευταίων Ημερών και σε ζητήματα φύλου γύρω από τον φεμινισμό των Αγίων των Τελευταίων Ημερών. Μερικά από τα πιο αξιόλογα έργα της περιλαμβάνουν:


- _Women and the Power of God:Ordination and Agency in Mormonism_ (2016)

- _Standing Against the Wind:Mormon Dispatches from the Vanguard of Change_ (2009)

- _Sugar Creek:Life on the Mormon Frontier_ (2006)

- _Preserving the Faith:Women in the Mormon Church_ (2005)

- _A Latter-day Saint Woman:Six Decades of Transitions_ (2003)

- _The Weave of Being:Mormon Women, Folklore, and Community_ (1995)

- _ Αυτοί που αγαπούν:Μια μελέτη της αγάπης στο γάμο και την οικογένεια_ (1993)

- _Mormon Women:Their Role and Status in the Early Church_ (1981)


- "The Role of Women in the Latter-day Saint Church" στο _The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism_ (2015)

- "Mormon Feminisms" στο _The Cambridge Companion to Mormonism_ (2013)

- "Women in Mormon History:A Journey of Empowerment and Equality" στο _The Mormon Experience in America_ (2011)

- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A History of Challenges and Change" στο _The Mormon Women's Movement:A History_ (2011)

- "The Changing Role of Women in the Latter-day Saint Church" στο _The Future of Mormonism:A Theological Symposium_ (2010)

- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Historical and Doctrinal Perspective" στο _Women and Authority:Re-imagining Women's Roles in Church and Society_ (2007)

- "The Transformation of Mormon Women's Political Identity" στο _Mormonism:A Faith Between Two Cultures_ (2006)

- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Century of Discussion and Debate" στο _Women in Mormon History:Faith and Feminism in the Latter-day Saint Tradition_ (2005)

- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Historical Perspective" στο _Women and the Priesthood:What Does the New Testament Say;_ (2003)

- "The Changing Roles of Mormon Women:A Historical Perspective" στο _The Changing Mormon Family_ (2002)

Δοκίμια και κριτικές

- "The Mormon Feminism of Emmeline B. Wells:A Case Study of Mormon Women's Activism" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2015)

- "Review of _Women and the Priesthood:A Mormon Perspective_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)

- "Review of _Mormonism:A Faith Half-Revealed_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)

- "Review of _Beyond the Beehive:Mormon Women in the New Age_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)

- "Review of _The Mormon Experience:A History of the Latter-day Saints_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2013)

- "Review of _Mormon Women and their Stories:Personal Journeys of Discovery, Growth, and Healing_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2012)

- "Review of _Women and the Priesthood:What Does the New Testament Say;_ στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2010)

- "Review of _Women and Authority:Re-imagining Women's Roles in Church and Society_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2008)

- "Review of _Mormon Women:Their History and Social and Political Roles_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2007)

- "Review of _Women and Authority in the Mormon Church_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2005)


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