- _Women and the Power of God:Ordination and Agency in Mormonism_ (2016)
- _Standing Against the Wind:Mormon Dispatches from the Vanguard of Change_ (2009)
- _Sugar Creek:Life on the Mormon Frontier_ (2006)
- _Preserving the Faith:Women in the Mormon Church_ (2005)
- _A Latter-day Saint Woman:Six Decades of Transitions_ (2003)
- _The Weave of Being:Mormon Women, Folklore, and Community_ (1995)
- _ Αυτοί που αγαπούν:Μια μελέτη της αγάπης στο γάμο και την οικογένεια_ (1993)
- _Mormon Women:Their Role and Status in the Early Church_ (1981)
- "The Role of Women in the Latter-day Saint Church" στο _The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism_ (2015)
- "Mormon Feminisms" στο _The Cambridge Companion to Mormonism_ (2013)
- "Women in Mormon History:A Journey of Empowerment and Equality" στο _The Mormon Experience in America_ (2011)
- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A History of Challenges and Change" στο _The Mormon Women's Movement:A History_ (2011)
- "The Changing Role of Women in the Latter-day Saint Church" στο _The Future of Mormonism:A Theological Symposium_ (2010)
- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Historical and Doctrinal Perspective" στο _Women and Authority:Re-imagining Women's Roles in Church and Society_ (2007)
- "The Transformation of Mormon Women's Political Identity" στο _Mormonism:A Faith Between Two Cultures_ (2006)
- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Century of Discussion and Debate" στο _Women in Mormon History:Faith and Feminism in the Latter-day Saint Tradition_ (2005)
- "Mormon Women and the Priesthood:A Historical Perspective" στο _Women and the Priesthood:What Does the New Testament Say;_ (2003)
- "The Changing Roles of Mormon Women:A Historical Perspective" στο _The Changing Mormon Family_ (2002)
Δοκίμια και κριτικές
- "The Mormon Feminism of Emmeline B. Wells:A Case Study of Mormon Women's Activism" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2015)
- "Review of _Women and the Priesthood:A Mormon Perspective_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)
- "Review of _Mormonism:A Faith Half-Revealed_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)
- "Review of _Beyond the Beehive:Mormon Women in the New Age_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2014)
- "Review of _The Mormon Experience:A History of the Latter-day Saints_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2013)
- "Review of _Mormon Women and their Stories:Personal Journeys of Discovery, Growth, and Healing_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2012)
- "Review of _Women and the Priesthood:What Does the New Testament Say;_ στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2010)
- "Review of _Women and Authority:Re-imagining Women's Roles in Church and Society_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2008)
- "Review of _Mormon Women:Their History and Social and Political Roles_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2007)
- "Review of _Women and Authority in the Mormon Church_" στο _Journal of Mormon History_ (2005)