- "Drowing Lessons" (2013)
- "In Certain Circumstances" (2015)
- "All This Things I've Done" (2018)
- "The Color of Time" (2020)
Παιδικά βιβλία:
- "One Day in the Land of the Daragans" (2011)
- "The Adventures of a Girl and Her Dog:Where the Water Meets the Sky" (2017)
- "The Adventures of a Girl and Her Dog:Through the Mist" (2017)
- "The Adventures of a Girl and Her Dog:Into the Deep" (2018)
- "Πώς ο πατέρας μου έγινε ποτάμι" (2009)
- "The Day the Stars Disappeared" (2010)
- "The Things We Lost in the Flood" (2011)
- "The Secret Life of the Sea" (2012)
- "Η τελευταία φορά που είδα τον πατέρα μου" (2014)
- "The River That Runs Both Ways" (2016)
- "The Girl Who Swapped Shadows" (2018)
- "The House on Mango Street" (2020)