- "The Last Hero" (1995)
- "The Shadow of the Mountain" (1997)
- «The City by the Sea» (2000)
- "The Girl from Krakow" (2003)
- «Το Κάστρο στο Δάσος» (2006)
- "The Bridge on the River" (2009)
- "The House on the Hill" (2012)
- "The Garden in the Desert" (2015)
- "The Tower in the Sky" (2018)
- "The Lighthouse on the Cliff" (2021)
- "The Red Scarf" (1992)
- "The Green Hat" (1994)
- "The Blue Dress" (1996)
- «The Purple Umbrella» (1998)
- "The Yellow Shoes" (2000)
- «The Orange Shirt» (2002)
- "The White Hat" (2004)
- "The Black Coat" (2006)
- "The Grey Scarf" (2008)
- "The Brown Sweater" (2010)
- «Ο Ήρωας του Λαού» (1991)
- «The Shadow of Doubt» (1993)
- "The Light of Hope" (1995)
- «The Voice of Freedom» (1997)
- «The Spirit of Love» (1999)
- «The Power of Truth» (2001)
- «The Wisdom of Age» (2003)
- «The Courage of Youth» (2005)
- «The Strength of Faith» (2007)
- "The Beauty of Life" (2009)
- "The Meaning of Life" (2000)
- "The Nature of Love" (2002)
- "The Power of Hope" (2004)
- "The Joy of Friendship" (2006)
- «The Importance of Family» (2008)
- «Η αξία της εκπαίδευσης» (2010)
- «Ο ρόλος της κυβέρνησης» (2012)
- «The Importance of the Arts» (2014)
- "The Future of Humanity" (2016)
- «The Legacy of Eugeniusz Andrzej Komorowski» (2021)