- *Out of the Fog:A History of the New England Council, Incorporated, 1925-1975*
- *Μια Επιχειρηματική και Χρηματοοικονομική Ιστορία των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών* (συν-συγγραφέας με τον Χάρολντ Άντεργουντ Φώκνερ)
- "New England Railroads and the American Revolution" (*The New England Quarterly*)
- "Industrial Leadership and the New Deal" (*The American Economic Review*)
- "The New England Economy:Problems and Prospects" (*The New Englander*)
- "The Business and Financial History of the United States:A Review" (*Journal of American History*)
- "Clarence B. Randall and the National Association of Manufacturers" (*Business History Review*)
- "The Life and Work of Clarence B. Randall" (*The Journal of Economic History*)