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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας Herbert Waldron Faulkner;


* The Quest for Social Justice, 1898–1914 (1931)

* Modern Economic Society (1950)

* American Political and Social History, 7th ed. (1965 σε συνεργασία με τον Harold U. Faulkner)

* Politics, Reform and Expansion, 1890–1900 (1959)

*Woodrow Wilson:A Career in Politics (1964)

* Από τις Βερσαλλίες στο New Deal (1950)

* The Decline of Laissez Faire, 1897-1917 (1951)

Επιλεγμένα άρθρα και συνεισφορές περιοδικών

* «Herbert Spencer and American Sociology», The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 32 (Μάιος 1927):733–46.

* «The Economic Interpretation of the American Constitution», The American Political Science Review, Vol. 18, Νο. 1 (Φεβρουάριος 1924):138–52.

* «The Origin and Growth of the National Civic Federation», The American Political Science Review, Vol. 17, Νο. 2 (Μάιος 1923):221-41.

* "The National Civic Federation and the Strike of 1901," The American Economic Review, Vol. 12, Νο. 4 (Δεκέμβριος 1922):571-84.


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