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Τι έχει γράψει ο συγγραφέας James Mickel Williams;


* _Voice of the Mountain:Speaking God's Truth in a Changing World_ (2021)

* _The Gospel of the Kingdom:Discovering the Radical Nature of God's Plan for the World_ (2018)

* _The Great Reset:Reckoning with the Present Crisis and Renewing Our Hope for the Future_ (2022)

* _The Restoration of All Things:Reclaiming the Hope of God's Ultimate Plan_ (2017)

* _The Table:Where Jesus and Friends Turn Strangers Into Family_ (2015)

* _The Unseen Realm:Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible_ (2013)

* _The Word That Saves:Preaching for Transforming Communities_ (2012)

* _The Healing Presence:Divine Encounter and Radical Transformation_ (2010)

* _Futurecast:10 Signs of What's to Come_ (2009)

Άλλοι πόροι:

* Άρθρα και αναρτήσεις ιστολογίου για διάφορες διαδικτυακές πλατφόρμες

* Κηρύγματα και διδακτικό υλικό

* Ομιλίες και εργαστήρια συνεδρίων


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