- "The Ballad of Reading Prison and other Ballads" (1961)
- "Το καρναβάλι των ζώων" (1968)
- "A Guerra do Bom-Bocado" (1974)
- "The Hundred Paths of the Hundred Paths" (1979)
- "Tales of Private Life" (1981)
- "The One Man Army" (1973)
- "Max and the Felines" (1981)
- "The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes" (1983)
- "The Majesty of Xingu" (1987)
- "The Republic of Dreams" (1991)
- «Οι εθελοντές της Πατρίδας» (1997)
- "The Crossed Paths" (2000)
- "Raquel's Gods" (2008)
- "The Chicken and the Egg" (2010)
Παιδικά βιβλία:
- "The Bear" (1979)
- "The Two Thieves" (1982)
- "The Boy with Wings" (1983)
- "Puss in Boots" (1986)
- "The Circus and the City" (1994)
- "The Ballad of Reading Prison" (1988)