* The World Around You (1956)
* The Miracle of Growth (1958)
* Life Is What You Make It (1960)
* The Book of Man (1962)
* The Expanding Universe (1964)
* The Meaning of Life (1966)
* The New Creation (1968)
* The God Within You (1970)
* The Journey to God (1972)
* The Way of the Master (1974)
* The Universal Truth (1976)
* The Path of the Initiate (1978)
* The Secret of Life (1980)
* The Power of the Mind (1982)
* Ο νόμος της επιτυχίας (1984)
* The Art of Living (1986)
* The Power of Love (1988)
* The Joy of Life (1990)
* The Peace of God (1992)
* The Wisdom of the Ages (1994)
* The Power of Positive Thinking (1996)
* Η δύναμη της πίστης
* The Power of Love
* Η Δύναμη της Ελπίδας
* Η Δύναμη της Συγχώρεσης
* Η δύναμη της προσευχής
* Η Δύναμη της Ευγνωμοσύνης
* Η Δύναμη της Παρούσας Στιγμής
* Η Δύναμη του Διαλογισμού
* Η Δύναμη της Γιόγκα
* Η δύναμη της Αγιουρβέδα
* "The Power of Positive Thinking" (1952)
* "The Miracle of Growth" (1954)
* "Life Is What You Make It" (1956)
* "The Book of Man" (1958)
* "The Expanding Universe" (1960)
* «Το νόημα της ζωής» (1962)
* "The New Creation" (1964)
* "The God Within You" (1966)
* "The Journey to God" (1968)
* "The Way of the Master" (1970)
* "The Universal Truth" (1972)
* "The Path of the Initiate" (1974)
* "The Secret of Life" (1976)
* "The Power of the Mind" (1978)
* «Ο νόμος της επιτυχίας» (1980)
* "The Art of Living" (1982)
* "The Power of Love" (1984)
* «Η χαρά της ζωής» (1986)