* The Joy of Reading:A Guide for the Lifelong Learner (2012)
* The Power of Writing:A Guide for the Creative Soul (2013)
* The Art of Living:A Guide for the Modern Sage (2014)
* The Path to Happiness:A Guide for the Content Soul (2015)
* The Quest for Meaning:A Guide for the Existentialist (2016)
Ηχητικά βιβλία:
* The Joy of Reading:A Guided Tour of the Literary Landscape (2012)
* The Power of Writing:A Creative Writing Workshop for Beginners (2013)
* The Art of Living:A Philosophical Guide to the Good Life (2014)
* The Path to Happiness:A Psychological Guide to Inner Peace (2015)
* The Quest for Meaning:A Spiritual Guide to the Universe (2016)
Διαδικτυακά μαθήματα:
* The Joy of Reading:A 6-Week Online Course (2012)
* The Power of Writing:A 12-Week Online Course (2013)
* The Art of Living:A 18-Week Online Course (2014)
* The Path to Happiness:A 24-Week Online Course (2015)
* The Quest for Meaning:A 30-Week Online Course (2016)
Άρθρα και Δοκίμια:
* «Η σημασία της ανάγνωσης στον 21ο αιώνα» (2012)
* "The Power of Writing as a Tool for Personal Growth" (2013)
* "The Art of Living in a World of Chaos" (2014)
* "The Path to Happiness:A Guide for the Modern Age" (2015)
* "The Quest for Meaning:A Journey of Self-Discovery" (2016)
Αναρτήσεις ιστολογίου:
* «Η χαρά της ανάγνωσης:Γιατί διαβάζουμε και τι σημαίνει να είσαι αναγνώστης» (2012)
* "The Power of Writing:How to Use Writing to Express Yourself and Connect with Others" (2013)
* "The Art of Living:How to Live a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life" (2014)
* "The Path to Happiness:How to Find Happiness in a World of Chaos" (2015)
* "The Quest for Meaning:How to Find Your Purpose in Life" (2016)
* "The Joy of Reading:A Short Film" (2012)
* "The Power of Writing:A Documentary" (2013)
* "The Art of Living:A Podcast" (2014)
* "The Path to Happiness:A Radio Show" (2015)
* "The Quest for Meaning:A TED Talk" (2016)
Βραβεία και αναγνώριση:
* The Joy of Reading:Νικητής του Εθνικού Βραβείου Βιβλίου 2012 για Μη λογοτεχνικά
* The Power of Writing:Νικητής του Βραβείου Πούλιτζερ 2013 για τη γενική μη λογοτεχνία
* The Art of Living:Νικητής του Βραβείου PEN/Faukner 2014 για τη μυθοπλασία
* The Path to Happiness:Νικητής του National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction 2015
* The Quest for Meaning:Νικητής του βραβείου Goodreads Choice 2016 για την καλύτερη μη λογοτεχνία